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Early Signs of Pregnancy: 10 Clues You Might Be Expecting!

pregnancy sickness signs of pregnancy
pregnant women experiencing morning sickness

Hello there! I’m Ragini, the founder of Mother'z Yoga, and as a professional yoga instructor, I’ve had the privilege of guiding many wonderful women through their pregnancy journeys. One of the first steps in this exciting time is recognizing the early signs of pregnancy. Today, I’m here to help you identify these signs and show you how yoga can support you during this special phase.


1. Missed Period

The most obvious and often the first sign of pregnancy is a missed period. This can be a big hint that your body is preparing for a new arrival. I remember when I first found out I was pregnant; it was a missed period that prompted me to take a test. The hormonal changes that occur in your body to support a pregnancy can prevent your regular menstrual cycle.

Tip: If you’re tracking your cycle and notice a missed period, it might be time to take a pregnancy test to confirm. In the meantime, gentle yoga practices can help manage any stress or anxiety you might be feeling.

2. Morning Sickness

Morning sickness is another common sign of early pregnancy. It often manifests as nausea and vomiting, usually in the morning but can happen at any time of the day. Many of my students have shared their experiences with morning sickness, and I've seen how yoga can make a difference.

Mother'z Yoga Tip: Incorporating gentle yoga poses like seated cat cows, chest openers, side body stretches. Sometimes even few minutes of walk to get in some fresh air can also help alleviate nausea. Focus on deep, calming breaths to ease discomfort.

3. Breast Tenderness

Breast tenderness is another early indicator of pregnancy. You might notice that your breasts feel sore, swollen, or more sensitive than usual. This is due to hormonal changes as your body prepares for breastfeeding.

Self-Care Tip: Wearing a well-fitted, supportive bra can help reduce discomfort. Yoga practice can be a great distraction tool and a gentle practice can be beneficial to uplift your mood and physical health. Avoid poses like cobra that compresses the chest alternatively try baby up dog or place a cushion under your chest in these poses.

4. Fatigue

Feeling unusually tired? Fatigue is a common early pregnancy symptom. The increase in progesterone levels and the energy demands of early pregnancy can leave you feeling drained. I’ve seen many expectant mothers struggle with fatigue, but yoga can provide relief.

Mother'z Yoga Insight: Restorative yoga poses like Legs Up the Wall can be incredibly rejuvenating. Allow yourself to rest and recharge whenever you need to.

5. Frequent Urination

Frequent urination is another sign that might occur early in pregnancy. As your body produces more blood and fluids, you’ll find yourself needing to use the bathroom more often. This can be a bit inconvenient but is a normal part of pregnancy.

Tip: Staying hydrated is important, but try to manage your fluid intake in a way that doesn't disrupt your sleep too much. 

6. Food Cravings or Aversions

Have you suddenly developed strong cravings or aversions to certain foods? This is another sign that you might be pregnant. The hormonal changes can alter your taste buds and make certain foods more appealing or off-putting.

Healthy Eating Tip: Choose nutritious foods to satisfy your cravings. Yoga can help maintain your overall well-being during this time. Try incorporating yoga poses that focus on digestive health, such as the Seated Forward Bend.

7. Mood Swings

Pregnancy can bring about mood swings due to fluctuating hormone levels. One moment you might feel elated, and the next, you could be feeling emotional or irritable. I’ve often shared with my students how yoga and mindfulness can help manage these emotional ups and downs.

Mother'z Yoga Advice: Practice mindfulness and gentle yoga to help stabilize your mood. Alternate nostril breathing is a great practice to balance energies in the body and for mood swings. 

8. Spotting and Cramping

Light spotting or cramping can occur as the embryo implants into the uterus. While this can be a normal sign of early pregnancy, it’s important to be aware of the difference between normal spotting and something more serious.

Yoga Tip: Gentle yoga poses can help ease mild cramping. Avoid vigorous exercise and focus on relaxation techniques.

9. Headaches

Headaches can also be an early sign of pregnancy, caused by hormonal changes and increased blood volume. If you’re experiencing frequent headaches, it’s important to find ways to manage them effectively.

Mother'z Yoga Tip: Breathing practices likes Alternate Nostril Breathing and restorative yoga practices like Legs Up the Wall can help relieve tension and reduce headache symptoms.

10. Dizziness and Lightheadedness

Dizziness and lightheadedness can occur due to changes in blood pressure and blood flow. It’s important to stay safe and avoid standing up too quickly or making sudden movements.

Yoga Insight: Practice yoga poses that improve balance and circulation, avoid sudden changes of poses, try to move slowly and mindfully.

When to Take a Pregnancy Test

If you’re experiencing several of these signs, it’s a good idea to take a pregnancy test. These tests are most accurate after you’ve missed your period. If the test is positive, make sure to consult with your healthcare provider for further guidance and prenatal care.


Recognizing the early signs of pregnancy can be both exciting and overwhelming. Remember, every woman’s experience is unique, and it’s essential to listen to your body and seek support when needed. At Mother’z Yoga, we offer a range of prenatal yoga classes designed to support you throughout your pregnancy journey. From managing early symptoms to preparing for labor, we’re here to help you every step of the way.

Join us at Mother’z Yoga to connect with other expectant mothers, practice yoga, and get the support you need during this special time. Feel free to reach out with any questions!


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