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Top 5 Benefits of Pregnancy Yoga

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Benefits of pregnancy yoga


Pregnancy yoga is a great way to make the most of your pregnancy. It's also an excellent way to prepare yourself physically, mentally and emotionally for the arrival of baby. If you're looking for ways to stay calm throughout your pregnancy, we've rounded up five benefits that will help you understand why prenatal yoga is so beneficial:

1) Physical & Mental Benefits

Pregnancy is a time when you will experience many physical changes.  Some great benefits can be realized through a practice of online pregnancy yoga which may include:

  • Increased strength
  • Improved flexibility and balance
  • Reduced stress and anxiety
  • Increased energy and stamina
  • Improved posture and reduced aches/pains.

2) Change of pace

The benefits of taking prenatal yoga classes are numerous, but one of the most obvious is that it can be a nice change of pace from the usual routine. It can help you relax and focus at a time when you may be feeling stressed or tense about your pregnancy. 

Another thing worth noting is that many women find their bodies changing as they grow larger during their pregnancies—and sometimes those changes aren't welcomed ones! Doing prenatal yoga, understanding, and honouring these changes will help you embrace and enjoy this journey. 

3) Preparation for birth

The benefits of pregnancy yoga are not only physical, but also emotional and psychological. Pregnancy yoga can help you prepare for the intense experience of birth, as well as all the changes in your body and mind that will accompany it.

Pregnancy is often called a time of “being in the zone” because there are so many things going on in our bodies and minds that we have to take a step back from them and focus on what really matters: growing a new life inside us. This makes it easier to find peace within ourselves, which is something we can hold onto throughout labor and delivery—and beyond!

4)  An outlet for relaxation and feeling connected with baby

Pregnancy yoga can be an outlet for relaxation, connecting with the baby and the chance to be in a space that is safe for you and your baby. Everyone's experience of pregnancy is different but one thing most women will agree on is that it can be stressful at times. The combination of hormones, sleep deprivation and any other worries you may have in your life can leave you feeling overwhelmed. Taking part in pregnancy yoga classes gives pregnant women a chance to clear their minds while focusing on their bodies and how they feel during each class. It provides an opportunity for positive thinking which has been shown to help reduce stress levels during pregnancy

1. When practicing mental exercises such as meditation or mindfulness, there are many positive outcomes including: relief from feelings of anxiety or depression; improved ability to cope with stress; greater sense of well-being; increased self-confidence

2. By participating in regular prenatal yoga sessions with other expecting moms who are going through similar experiences as yourself, you'll develop new friendships or strengthen existing ones!

5) Pregnancy yoga tools are for lifetime!

Let’s admit it, just like pregnancy, motherhood can be overwhelming too. With changes to your schedule, sleep deprivation, caring 24X7 for your baby, no breaks, feeling tired and frustrated is quite common. In times like these using your prenatal yoga tools can help you take a step back and cope with the physical and mental tiredness.

Simple practices you learn in your prenatal classes can not only help you stretch and release the tension but also help you tune inwards and feel calmer. Practices like Bees humming breath, Sigh breath, Ujjai Breath, Alternate Nostril Breathing, Yoga Nidra practice, pelvic floor and abdominal care practices are equally helpful for Pregnant and Postnatal Mamas. Learn these practices once and you will find them useful for lifetime!



Pregnancy yoga can be a great way to prepare your body and mind for the arrival of a baby. It helps you with the physical changes your body goes through during pregnancy, and gives you a chance to relax and bond with the baby before birth. In short, it helps you with a healthier, calmer and connected pregnancy!



Ready to Experience the Benefits of Prenatal Yoga?


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